Why an Estate Plan?

Whether you know it or not, the "system has developed an estate plan for everyone. Does the question then become, Do you want to default to the system created for you, or do you want to be proactive and take control of your estate yourself?

For example, without proper estate planning, you will pay for everything: medical bills, legal bills, Probate, taxes, etc. With planning, you can take advantage of the options available to you to minimize what you will pay for health care, legal expenses, and taxes while you are alive, and long after you are gone. The problem is, most people don't know what options are available to them.

At Tureaudhf.com, we are not Attorneys, however, we work with many fine Attorneys across the United States. We use Attorneys when particular documents are necessary, such as Wills, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Trust. This helps keep the cost down for our clients.

Most Estate Planning revolves around money. Most of our focus is usually on Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, and Protecting Assets such as savings, and homes, avoiding risks, taxes, and minimizing the cost of Long Term Care.

To do an effective Estate Plan, we consider how income, assets, taxes, wills, and trusts. and how long-term care expenses all affect each other.